Monday, August 15, 2011

Ladies and gentlemen, we have kale.

Beklager for my absence. My friend Holly C is visiting for a couple of weeks from Seattle and I am giving her the full Norwegian experience (well, as much as an ex-pat in Norway can). For me, that includes visiting several grocery stores and ogling the plastic-wrapped produce and shelves of Leverpostei. Normally these days I buy the vast majority of our fruits and vegetables at the local ethnic food markets like this one:

But I made an exception today. Why? Because as Holly and I were wandering through the produce section I found this:

This, my friends, is what I believe to be kale. If you remember from this post, I could not find chard. I should have also posted that I couldn't find kale, but I kind of lump them in together. I love chard. I mean, if you've had chard enchiladas, you would love chard too. I will accept kale in place of chard for now. Holly will attest that, upon seeing this in the produce aisle, I gasped and snatched it off the shelf as though it was the last Elmo doll and it was 1998. Seriously excited.

I don't know what we'll make with it right now, but I don't care. I have it in my fridge and that's what matters. Happy day.

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