Sunday, March 20, 2011

Something you don't see every day

Finally catching up on life during two-week break between my Norwegian classes. Hi. How are you? What's new? Remember me?

Here's something you don't see every day in the U S of A:

Okay, yes, a washing machine is not uncommon in a small but livable Oslo apartment. But two things about it:

1. This is a combination washer-dryer. As in, the same machine is both a washing machine and a dryer. I am sure this concept was born out of the 'smallness' of living spaces in Europe. A brilliant idea. Unless you're like me and have 800 loads of laundry to do at one time. And you live somewhere where the cost of electricity to run the dryer would empty you bank account faster than you could say vær så god. Lacking a dryer and infinite funds to spend on Norwegian electricity bills, we hang our clothes to dry instead.

2. Notice where this appliance is located? Anyone? That's right: the kitchen. Apartments here tend to only have locations for water hookups: one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom. And, I guess if you're bathroom's too small for a washer and/or dryer, where else would you put it but in the kitchen? I about dropped my beer when I saw this, until some other ex-pat at the party told me having the washing machine in the kitchen was fairly common. I guess it makes for efficient stain fighting. Just don't mix the ketchup bottle up with the fabric softener. 

I promise my next post will have less to do with household appliances and more to do with...something else.

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